Once We Get Past Poker Night, Tamsin Hopkins


Category Pamphlets

Currently available to pre-order

Winner of the 2023/24 Live Canon Pamphlet Competition, a stunning new pamphlet from Tamsin Hopkins. 

‘Sons, boyfriends, fathers and grandfathers, historical and literary figures – these poems are an exploration of male preoccupations and perspectives. Once we get past poker night is full of quirky, beguiling and strange poems, which make great use of juxtaposition. I greatly admire the range of registers and humour brought to bear on this impressive collection. I am thrilled to see it in print.’

David Caddy

'A grounded, imaginative energy pervades Tamsin Hopkins’ work -she zeros in on actual things and character-snapshots and yet they insist on a much wider hinterland around them. If she can weave these poems out of skinny lads, rashes, Leerdammer cheese, the knuckle-bones of a martyred saint in a chat-show host's pocket, pebbles and, typically, earbuds - and still delight, disturb and move us - what on earth can't she do?'

Matthew Caley